Home Training
There can be many reasons why my clients prefer to train at home rather than in a gym environment.
For example:
-dislike the intimidating environment of a gym
-transport difficulties
-unable to leave young children (please see below for more details)
-time restraints (meaning not enough time to travel to the gym AND have a decent workout!)
-cost implications associated with monthly membership
-dislike exercising in public
-simply prefer the convenience of a home visit
-Lack of good quality local facilities
-Injury/ inadequate mobility prevents travel
-have own gym at home
-enjoy exercising outdoors
I provide the equipment required for our sessions so there is no need to purchase any equipment if you decide to embark on home training. Sessions last for a minimum of one hour and are tailored to suit your specific requirements. A free consultation in your home will determine where your workouts will take place and the structure of the programme will be created.
Training with your Children present
A common problem (particularly for new Mothers) is how to escape your little darlings so that you can whip yourself back into shape. It’s an arduous task and experience has shown me that the more barriers I can remove to help you keep at the programme, the more likely you are to succeed. This certainly won’t be for everyone, but it’s an option to explore if you’re keen to learn to exercise at home whilst being a busy Mum or Dad. I have a current CRB Check and I am happy to provide references. Please ring to discuss your personal circumstances.
Training in the Gym.
A lot of my clients come to me as existing members of David Lloyd who are looking to progress the training that they have already embarked upon.
Please note that you must be a member of David Lloyd Maidstone (or a Vantage member of the whole David Lloyd group) in order to take advantage of training at the club. All gym sessions take place at DL Maidstone, Kent. Sessions can be either 30 minutes or 1 hour depending on your requirements.